Christopher Douglas Facts

Christopher Douglas Facts

For more information on Chris click here

Birthdate: August 26, 1969

Age: 32

Birthplace: Clinton, Tennessee

Parents: Dad- Jimmy, Mom- Jacque

Brothers and sisters: None

Marital Status Engaged

Nationality: Douglas is part Cherokee and Scottish (He has a deep fascination with and respect for his American Indian heritage (his mother's family is Cherokee) and has taken an active interest in tracing his family roots.

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Green, turns blue

Height: 6'0"

He'd most like to meet: "Crazy Horse, because he was one of the last true Lakota warriors, and from the books I've read, he seems like a spiritual person."

Model Man: Douglas dropped out of college to make a killing on the runway - with short hair!

Favorite books: "Michael Fox's 'The Soul of the Wolf' and RD Lawrence's 'In Praise of Wolves'."

First paid acting job: A Miller Genuine Draft commercial... "I popped the tops and it started snowing on the boats."

Remember when: "The romantics' 'What I Like About You' makes me think of getting ready to go to college."

Favorite letter: "A, because it's the beginning."

Who Do Little Kids Say You Look Like? "Renegade, because of my hair." ( Renegade is played by Lorenzo Lamas).

In the Dressing Room: "Water, juice, Gatorade and oranges."

High school: Webb in Knoxville, TN.

Sports played in high school: Football.

University: University of Tennessee Knoxville College.

Favorite color: Green.

Music: Like all of it but especially country.

Property: Owns property in Montana.

Animals: Scout, a female black Labrador dog and four horses named Sky, Blue, Elliot and Bucky.

Rodeo: Been in a couple of Rodeos, doesn't do them anymore

Featured in record books for killing a mountain lion
with bow and arrow.

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